Prices are over rated!

Prices are over rated!
Prices get all the attention, quoted on the nightly news and in articles wherever you turn. Price is an important number to a seller but really only at the time they sell. Much more important and chronically overlooked is the cost of ownership…

An analysis of your personal economy
Regardless of glazing over when an economist preaches about the price elasticity of demand graphed in three dimensions, we all do it. You have a clear understanding that your personal economy is bringing money in through your labor and talents and then using that money to buy what you want and need. Simple, straightforward and no calculus required. However there are two concepts from the wider economy that affect
homeownership considerably for most of us, the Cost of Capitol and the effects of Taxation…

What is this going to cost me?
In terms of real estate ownership the Cost of Capitol is the interest rate on your loan. Swings in rates have a major impact on your cost of ownership.

Here are two examples of taking advantage of today’s very favorable cost of capitol.
Compare buying a home today at the same price as in 2002. (Which is roughly were price levels have fallen).

chart comparing 2002 interest rates with today

*30 year fixed rates

Now compare being a move up buyer in this market versus four years from now with only moderately higher interest rates, 6%, as well as $50,000 in appreciation over the next four years, only 1.6% annually.

chart estimating interest rates today compared to possible rates in 2016

*30 year fixed rates

Just the tax, please!
Taxation can have the effect of reducing your costs even more. Comparing home ownership to renting is the best way to illustrate this affect that taxation has on your overall costs. As a rough rule of thumb your combined state and federal taxes are reduced by around 20%-30% of the monthly loan payment (depending on your tax bracket).

“What do experts think?”

Cover of Coastal Homes magazine, Santa Cruz County

an excerpt from the April issue of Coastal Homes magazine, Santa Cruz County

An excerpt from the April issue of Coastal Homes magazine…

How would you reply to someone who is not making an anticipated move in the market right now based on what they are hearing in the national media, or because of some national real estate statistic?

Monterey Bay Properties answered:
“Don’t wait for the national media to catch up.” Real estate is regional not national. The local markets have seen a significant improvement in the last few months. The tremendous growth of the Silicon Valley is driving up the local markets and the combination of current prices and continued historically low interest rates make this a great time to buy. Some properties are selling with multiple offers; a situation not experienced in years. If buyers are waiting for confirmation from the media, they will miss the boat.”

To read the complete article visit Coastal Homes magazine of Santa Cruz County.